Wonder if some of the more experienced can offer some advice on better body position, judging from these pics. Been working on it. Am really trying to drop the shoulder, get the head down etc, and when I'm leant over, it feels like I've got it right. The knee down thing is out of the way now, I can do it so I want to move on and make sure I'm sat better so I can carry more corner speed.

That's the one thing I took away from the Ron Haslam day, was that I need to improve on my corner entry & exit. Ironically, the instructor there said my body position was really good, so don't know if I've let it slip, but these pics show I'm nowhere near where I think I am when leant over....

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

These were all taken around 35-40mph, in 3rd gear...