
Thread: Body Position - Scotty et al?

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  1. Body Position - Scotty et al? 
    Diamond Member
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    Nov 2010
    Wonder if some of the more experienced can offer some advice on better body position, judging from these pics. Been working on it. Am really trying to drop the shoulder, get the head down etc, and when I'm leant over, it feels like I've got it right. The knee down thing is out of the way now, I can do it so I want to move on and make sure I'm sat better so I can carry more corner speed.

    That's the one thing I took away from the Ron Haslam day, was that I need to improve on my corner entry & exit. Ironically, the instructor there said my body position was really good, so don't know if I've let it slip, but these pics show I'm nowhere near where I think I am when leant over....

    Pic 1

    Pic 2

    Pic 3

    Pic 4

    Pic 5

    These were all taken around 35-40mph, in 3rd gear...

  2. Re: Body Position - Scotty et al? 
    What are you after? You don't have to hang off the bike to have corner speed.
    Road positioning and smoothness are all that matter. If you follow a cop or instructor, they hardly move on the bike but their corner speeds are consistent. Forget getiing your knee down on the road. There are far too many unknown factors. Road craft is what good, fast, safe riding is all about.

  3. Re: Body Position - Scotty et al? 
    Diamond Member
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    Nov 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by dan_geoghegan
    What are you after? You don't have to hang off the bike to have corner speed.
    Maybe I got the wrong end of the stick - I thought the idea of hanging off, was so that you can go faster round, but without leaning the bike as much?

    Mind you, there is very little lean angle from those pics, so I can probably sit more on the seat and lean the bike further?

  4. Re: Body Position - Scotty et al? 
    Active Member
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    Apr 2011
    ive found that what works for me is sit in the same position as i would on the straght and lean the bike over as far is i think is safe
    the other thing that gets me good speed out of corners is road position going into the corner to give myself more run off out of the bend
    i also open it up half way around the bend to get good speed out of the bend but that might not work for all bikes depends on power and weight the little gpz is very forgiveing on bends due to low power and very light weight makeing it easy to chuck around the bends

  5. Re: Body Position - Scotty et al? 
    You're absolutely right about hanging off. But it means nothing if your entry speed, road positioning and throttle control are wrong. I hardly hang off the bike when I ride. By all means use the skills you learned from the track day, but don't confuse being fast with being a good rider.
    I've blitzed past many riders that are all knee out and jerky throttle just by being smooth and taking a better line.

    If you've got more than one cheek off the seat, it's too much.

  6. Re: Body Position - Scotty et al? 
    Diamond Member Scotty's Avatar
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    No offence SF, but you look like a complete tit, hanging off like a gibbon yet leaning it like a pussy, your right foot position is crap - did you learn nothing on the RH day, like "ball of foot on peg so your toes don't stick out"? Learn to lean it properly first, then you can lean it less if you want or need to - if you can't lean it and you need to then you're screwed.

    Riding like that on the road screams "look at me everybody, I'm a hero with my knee down!" yet the story it really tells is rather sad. Go on track and learn to ride properly - you were booked up for Llandow and could have had a great day learning to ride, but you dropped out claiming poverty if I recall, and then signed up for Castle Combe which costs twice as much - somewhat illogical non?

    Riding is about learning it and doing it, not about thinking you look like a hero but actually being slow and looking like a dick.

    Sorry if this reply offends, but you did ask.... :
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  7. Re: Body Position - Scotty et al? 
    Chatterbox Jon_W's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simongpz
    ive found that what works for me is sit in the same position as i would on the straght and lean the bike over as far is i think is safe
    the other thing that gets me good speed out of corners is road position going into the corner to give myself more run off out of the bend
    i also open it up half way around the bend to get good speed out of the bend but that might not work for all bikes depends on power and weight the little gpz is very forgiveing on bends due to low power and very light weight makeing it easy to chuck around the bends
    Absolutely. Road position is the key, no hanging off it like a chimp on a banna tree. I like you, ride my GS without leaning off as I find it makes the bike more stable and I can hapily get off the edge of the tyres.... and keep up with the baboons.

    So sit further foward, get your arms bent, and tuck yer knee in.
    "there's no aspect, no facet, no moment in life that can't be improved with pizza"


  8. Re: Body Position - Scotty et al? 
    Administrator BB's Avatar
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    Scotty, Yes SF did ask but is asking for advice on riding, not comments on his funds or lack of.

    Personally I think he is brave putting up this post and asking. I wouldn't ask for advice from anyone on here on my riding just so my style could be picked over! And before anyone makes any cracks about my riding I know I don't get my knee down, have poor road positioning, have bad habits, etc etc. but I don't pretend to be something I'm not, I simply enjoy riding a bike.

    And before anyone gets shirty about this post, this is my personal view not the view of the management etc etc.

    Sorry if this offends :

    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

  9. Re: Body Position - Scotty et al? 
    Diamond Member
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    Nov 2010
    Thanks WB and others who actually bothered to try and help BTW.


  10. Re: Body Position - Scotty et al? 
    The Boss Dabz's Avatar
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    Trowbridge, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
    Totally agree, all credit to Aiden for asking for advice in our 'Riding Tips & Training' lets keep replies constructive?

    My 2 cents comes from something Ghost told me - the first guy to do a 100mph+ lap of the TT (or was is 130mph, BB/Ghost!?) did so tucked under the fairing, bum stuck to the seat and no moving about, certainly no knee-down hanging off.

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