Quote Originally Posted by dan_geoghegan
Last years trip to Italy over 10 days I took a Kriega us 20 tail pack and an r 25 rucksack.
It comprised of 3 pairs of socks and pants (1 to ride in, 1 for the evening and 1 to wash) 1 pair of jeans, 1 pair of linen trousers, 1 pair of trainers, 1 pair of board shorts, 3 wicking base layers to ride in,( if you can use morino wool you can get away with 1 as it never smells), 3 t-shirts for the evening and a wash bag (decant everything into small containers that will hold just enough to last the trip.) Lynx do tiny deodorant sprays that take up no room although you will smell like a 14 year old boy.
My friend Neil did the same trip but with just the r 25 rucksack. He took minimal to a new level.
Went to France for a few days camping and doing the Normandy Beach run ... one of the guys took a toothbrush. Seriously, that was all he took. Had to stay upwind after a while ;D