Quote Originally Posted by Mitch9128
High beam users hold a special place in my hatred along with inappropriate fog light users and middle lane crawlers. It is not safe, it doesn't help anybody and it pisses off everyone around you, it's also kind of counter productive in that you can be seen but we can't tell how far away you are. I reckon a good solicitor would beat a high beam user in court too.
High beam/ fog light users are not respecting others on the road.

I will putt all thinking together in points:

1. Earplugs - research proves constant loud noise can harm your ears 8-)
2. Wind protection - prolonged 70mph+ might get you cold
3. Predict weather if possible (wind, rain, sun in your visor...)
4. Keep to your speed and change lanes when needed
a. Lifesavers, lifesavers and once more lifesavers.
b. I found it while going "faster" mirrors are enough, but check them frequently
5. Filtering only between fastest line and middle lane i.e. On M4 3 lanes so use 2-3, on M25 4 lanes use 3-4. Remember to stay on lower gear for longer than usual in need for sudden power or engine breaking.
a. Fast traffic filtering (above 50mph) - try not to. It is fun, but very risky one.
b. Stationary or up to 20mph I use hazards and sometimes revs as Bandit is a quiet bike. Remember not to rev when passing between cars as you can scare unprepared driver/passenger (heart attack ready )
c. Try looking for signs of drivers moving heads indicating to you they about to change lane. It's difficult, but gives some warning if spotted.
6. Always say thanks to drivers that moves out of way. Hand up, thumb up or head nod.
7. Do not shout on these who makes your filtering difficult, they might have been looking where is beginning of that traffic jam and not see you (excluding these difficult, thick and boorish, twats lol - sorry for language)

Feel free to add/remove as I hope some will find it useful.
Sorry if this looks like small book lol