Quote Originally Posted by Mike_F
I have tried my knee down once or twice now, i can't tell you how close i came cause i was concentrating. Bad thing is my fav side for turning is going left where as we go right round the roundabouts.

I think my problem is carrying enough speed as i am concious about running wide if i don't get it right.
If you're worried about running wide, you're not doing it right. Get your body position sorted before you lean. Make sure you're hanging off a lot further than you think (I'd have the seat under my thigh, so my backside isn't even in contact with the seat). Settle into a nice big roundabout with little traffic. Keep in a higher gear than you think, to keep the revs lower than you think (you don't need loads of power). Get the bike over to a point you feel comfortable, then give it a little extra push on the right handle bar and it'll dip in for the knee-down experience. If you're worrying about running wide, you're not counter-steering (pushing the inside bar). To circulate continuously with knee on deck, keep the pressure on the inside handle bar. Keep looking well ahead, not just in front of your front wheel. You MUST have warm tyres. Don't go out and try it on the first roundabout you come to. Throttle control has to be gentle, just to maintain speed. If it goes wrong, don't blaim me... ;D