hehe don't worry, I not gone anywhere, quite busy at the moment with sorting out the young lady (and no, I persoanlyl don't refer to her as a young lady, but what I refer to her as cannot be printed here) who killed my FJ, confirmed write off, repair costs valued at........ £2800!!!!. She didn't pay (no great suprise there) and has since gone silent, so have informed the police, insurance and solicitor to proceed and 'nail her neck to the wall' I think was the term I used.

On top of that my Grandmother was taken into hospital with heart problems, some problem with her blood pressure tablets which she has been taking for 30 years, they have managed to stabalise the problem, and are just keepign her in to monitor it, if all is fne she can coem home, but if there is any issues its possible she may have to have a pacemaker fitted.

So its a bit hectic at the moment, trying to juggle too many things, just waiting for the first one to drop sometimes hehe.

Anyway, my apologies for being a bit quiet, will be back to my usual loud and crude self soon, I promise!