On a serious (?) note, Im a Stella man! No comments please! :-X

When I got married I got a "joke" card read out at the reception from Stella Artois wishing me all the best and thanking me for many years of loyal support!!!

The odd glass (OK bottle!) of White wine does down well (Red gives me a F.O.A.D hangover!) and has been known to be drunk when Im cooking supper - Keith Floyd style - 2 if it takes longer than the time required to do Beans on toast!! ;D

G&T for a change goes well as does Pimms on a Summers evening (Great stuff as it gets you pissed from the legs upwards!) :

Southern Comfort is a great mellower! This will sound a bit wierd but just trust me....

Southern Comfort (LARGE measure) in a pint glass, ice & filled with one of the tropical fruit juice mixes - you know the sort 5 different types of juice.
Then drink while soaking in a deep bubbly bath & chill-out tunes in the back ground! Aaah Bliss!!!

Also fond of a pint (or 6) of Chicken With Acne!! Or Speckled Hen as its called round here!

In case you havent guessed Im a bit of an Alcky on the quiet!!! HIC!! :