Oh your such a sweetheart, thanx for the hug. and cheers for the comment tim.

It was a top ride out actually as it was the first time I had ridden in releative anger since the sussie upgrades and it was riding like a dream. Ah well not much you can do about this.

That pic was taken at about nine in the morning the day after once it had been dispersed by cars. I hit it at about 15mph at 10pm in the dark right behind a car. It was the full width of the road and a bout an inch and a half deep.

I've phoned the bussies (Police) to no avail, next is the council. Unless I know exactly who the farmer bastard is I ve no chance of any claim.

So farmers watch out I'm on the hunt for any excuse to take condeming photoes or just an excuse to kick the **** out of them and beleive you me I am the very man for the job. I must say a couple of fellow bikers helped mr out and thet told me who they were but what with the adrenaline etc I ant remember there names. But big thanx to them both, I cant remember if they said they were affiliated with this site or the other with the simelar name or not. If I get any joy and need witnesses I 'am sure you will let youself be known .

and once again thanx guys its good just to have someone to talk to at time s like that.