
Thread: Regarding next months paid subscription

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  1. Regarding next months paid subscription 
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Wouldn't it somewhat make more sense to have a general forum with bits and pieces on which is free to access and have a subscription forum which contains "members discussion/ride outs/downloads/service guides etc..." that way people can at least use the forum and if they are interested in ride-outs and help etc then they have to pay the fee otherwise no one will pay unless they know what they are paying for.

    I know myself if I found the website and it asked me to pay before I could see what was there I'd say **** it.

    In the end of the day you don't want to loose all your user base to wiltshire riders.


  2. Re: Regarding next months paid subscription 
    Platinum Member Hunar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Dabz pays for the forum himself, and he like's it to be free for all to use. If people wish to donate there is the option to donate using PayPal, or rather there was, with the new forum set up it might have been lost for a bit. You don't have to donate, and you won't get any special forum ranks or priviladges if you do, its purely up to the individual if they wish to donate or not.

    As you said, if people find they have to pay for something before they can even see what they get for the money may well put them off joining the forum, and as we welcome everyone that may work out to be counter productive, with the cost of living rising people are reluctant to pay for something unless they can see what they are getting first. Having said that if Dabz did decide to make it a subscription site, I would be happy to pay, but as a current member I know what i am getting for my money, and I would think its worth paying for.

    Don't get confused between my personality and my attitude. My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are...

  3. Re: Regarding next months paid subscription 
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I can understand that but to have a subscription section and a free section would make slightly more sense.

    One of the paid forums I'm part of gives you extra features once registered such as use of "Avatar Picture, Name Comment, Signatures"

    also a members only forum which consists of:

    Members Discussion, Downloads, Service Guides, Club Discounts, Products/Services from members and Try before you buy?

  4. Re: Regarding next months paid subscription 
    Active Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Sorry, but I think I am missing something here. Are you suggesting that we start charging people for something that is free, although there is, as Hunar says, the option of donation? Or do you think that you have already been charged for something? You say that if you found the website and it asked you to pay up front you wouldn't join it. So why are you suggesting that we start doing it? I quite agree this would be counter productive so why say we should?? As I say maybe I am missing the point.

  5. Re: Regarding next months paid subscription 
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Forget me, i'm being a tard...

    I got this e-mail and thought it was wiltshire bikers... lol!

    Welcome to the WR newsletter,
    The club will have its 2nd birthday on 1st Sept, and it is time to move on to the next stage, it has been decided to charge a small 
    membership fee of £13 per year, the main reason for this is we have always been about riding and meeting, and some members just like to type, hopefully this will encourage people to come and enjoy the full benefits of being a full member of the club. any monies received from the members will go towards the running and development of the site & club.
    If you are a half member at the moment, from the 1st of Aug this will be lifted and you will all be full members, you will then see the full benefits of being in the club and will also have the opportunity to pay your next years membership at a reduced rate of £10. 
    If you believe the site does not give you value for money and you do not wish to pay a membership fee then we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the last couple years and I’m sure we will see you on the open road or at a local meet.
    More in depth information can be found HERE
    Ride Safe, Mrs Admin

  6. Re: Regarding next months paid subscription 
    Administrator BB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    West Wilts
    No, as you have already realised, that is not Wiltshire Bikers, but Wiltshire Riders.

    As Hunar has already said Dabz wants this site to remain free and open to all. Everyone is welcome regardless of race, colour, creed, gender, age etc etc, and that goes for what you ride too! ;D

    So before anyone goes off on one we don't care what other clubs, forums, interests you have or belong to - as long as you have an interest in two wheels all are welcome here. That includes on our rideouts, at any pubs we happen to arrange to meet in and anywhere else WB people happen to be!

    Of course if you want to donate a couple of quid towards the runnings costs of this site that would be great. We did have a donation button which appears to have vanished but if you pm Dabz or see him at a meet he would be pleased to recive any pennies you want to donate.

    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

  7. Re: Regarding next months paid subscription 
    Active Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Aaah. Now I understand.

  8. Re: Regarding next months paid subscription 
    The Boss Dabz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Trowbridge, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
    I may be daft but I absorb the costs of WB myself - including the stickers (costing a good £50 for a new batch), web hosting (40GB bandwidth per month believe it or not!), domain names, google advertising etc etc. In the 1st year (2006) we managed to get enough donations to cover the costs but since then I've stumped up, so any donations are always very gratefully received! I don't mind though, we have a great bunch of people attending meets and posting

  9. Re: Regarding next months paid subscription 
    Administrator BB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    West Wilts
    He may be daft but he's a great bloke and a good friend! 8-)

    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

  10. Re: Regarding next months paid subscription 
    Diamond Member R1chie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Well I for one applaud the decision to stay a free forum.

    Charging people for forum rights just divides the masses in the end. Sure, you may get a flashier forum but that'll be about it.....oh....and maybe a badge lol

    As seen, Dabz takes the hit on the majority of the costs for the running of the site. Donate if possible, but at least buy him a cup a coffee if you are out and about with him, the poor lad is skint lol

    I'm sure he owes me a bacon butty anyway
    Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.

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