If you like killing things then fencing might be for you.

Some people start it thinking it's a bit like ballet / dancing and a bit airy-fairy, but especially the weapon we use (Epee) is not a bit like that.
It's "stuff them before they stuff you", and you can hit them anywhere (toe to head) any how, any time (after the ref says fence) !
You are not judged on how you do it, just how successful you are.
This suits my awkward Neanderthal style a treat

I fence at two clubs, Warminster on Wed - small & friendly, and Bath on Thursdays - bigger and less so I think.
We take anybody anytime at Warminster but Bath have three Newbie courses a year. Both have all the kit.

Tell ya what, if half a dozen people wanted a go I'd set a "come & try it" morning up at Warminster Sports Centre (I coach as well) so you could have a go with other Newbies - just a thought !