A quick flying visit from me, hi everyone

So all of you that know me will also know that I have a bad back and bad shoulder and, well, I'm a little bit broken ;D

I've found a physio who has worked wonders on my back and shoulder and everything else that needed expert treatment so I thought I'd share her details with you all

If you have sore back, joints, muscles or an injury that just won't quit, she's the person to call.

Very reasonable prices and she is really excellent! I even come back on day trips from London just to see her for physio so that says something!! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

If you're not sure, give her a call and have a try - or if you want to treat yourself to a pamper for once 8-)

She is located in Bath - her details are:
Erika Hayward Physiotherapy - Chartered Physiotherapist
07801 536 735
email: physio@erikahayward.com