Jay jay, I think you missed my point. I was trying to highlight the reasons why staying on benefits may be more appealing than getting a job, because for some, not necessarily from the criminal fraternity have a very comfortable lifestyle because they know how to play the system. Is that fair? Not when you have student nurses on 8 grand a week and soldiers in afghan on less than 20,000 grand. An article I read a couple of weeks ago was about a lady who had 6 kids by 5 different fathers none if whom paid any maintenance. She receives 39000 pounds a year in benefits. I've got no issue with that as those children need a roof over there head and need feeding, however when she uses those benefits to give herself a 4500 pound boob job, take 3 holidays a year and fund a 10000 credit card bill I think I can justifiably question if that is right and fair especially when you have pensioners who have worked all their lifes barely able to afford to eat and keep warm.

I've got no issue whatsoever with those who have been or will soon become unemployed or are genuinely unable to work receiving benefits as we all have a right to a basic standard of living as it's not their choice to be out of work or in a poorly paid job. My issue is with those who manage to legitimately work the system, who have never worked nor intend to work and seem to be able to claim every single benefit going. Until you address that anomaly you will have people who choose not to work because it is the easier option. That was the point I was trying to make, albeit not very eloquently.

I can assure you I'm in touch with reality. I see reality on a far too regular basis. I see squalor, poverty and deprevation far too often, which is why I get annoyed with those I have moaned about as it diverts the money away from those who genuinely need it.