who is sick of seeing people arguing about tuition fees. It's a privelage, not a right to go to university, and you should have to pay for it! If you're not going to earn the kind of money where you can pay it back easily, then don't bother going. Doctors, teachers, etc fair enough. But to get some lame degree then end up... working in Mcdonalds is ridiculous. Get an apprenticeship or real job training and stop whinging.

We should be encouraging people away from University, unless they actually NEED to go ...for the job they want to do. In tme, if we do that, then the fees will come down. I know so many people with menial degrees doing dead end jobs because there's millions of people with a 'psychology degree', or 'sports science' etc. You can even get a degree in David Beckham for crying out loud. When this stops, the fees will reduce in line. Less need to pay so many lecturers to breed ignorant young people who want to drink their loans away. Stereotypes? Yes - but we ge stereotypes for a reason...

And here endeth the rant for this morning! A huge debate is currently raging on my FB page! lol