Quote Originally Posted by ChrisJo
Controversial I know, but I can't help but feel (after seeing some of the student crettins on TV) that they are at UNI because they really can't face the thought of actually accepting responsibility for their lives and get a paying job... Ooooh it might involve getting up and stuff [smiley=happy.gif]
or maybe they have faced to to their responsibilities and decided they do need to get an education to even stand a chance of an employer looking at their C.V. as employer can pick and choose who they want now. Yes there are a few students who do courses as there nothing better to do, but I bet the vast majority are there to better themselves and worry about passing exams in order to get a job. Its those who decide to leave school with no intention of ever getting a job you should be having a go at.

And anyway why is Uni education to be singled out. Why not go the whole hog and go back to the 1800 and send the children back to the workhouses, all those GCSE and A level studens sitting aroud in classrooms when they could be doing a days job down the mine....
