Thanks for bringing this back to the subject Col - Hate the namecalling BS..
Can't believe I'm about to quote Maggie BUT.... There are only so many slices you can cut from the cake -It's about the only thing she ever said worth saying!
The public sector have been swallowing an ever increasing share of that cake - a share which has to be paid for by an ever increasingly pressured private sector.
It used to be claimed that benefits in the public sector were so generous because the wage levels were so much lower. This hasn't been true for many years yet they still retire earlier on overgenerous pensions whilst the private sector picks up the bill on an aging poulation living longer.
Having worked all his/her life paying for the private sector and their generous benefits the average worker ritires in relative poverty while their public sector counterpart retires in relative comfort. Some sort of balancing adjustment has been on the cards for years
I agree about the VAT rise - Stupid, stupid, stupid BUT a TTT (typical tory trick) and very predicted.