
Thread: London riots

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  1. Re: London riots 
    Platinum Member
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by pilninggas
    [quote author=Squashed_Fly link=1312843386/26#26 date=1312957201]The events over the past few days have made me ashamed to be English.

    I mean how the hell did we let Swagger Jagger get to No. 1?
    What are you on-about? it's a brilliant 'song', i'm gonna go and loot me a copy.

    1/4 million chavs can't be wrong.[/quote]

    Am I the only one to notice all "Swagger Jagger" is, is "Oh my darlin', oh my darlin', oh my daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlin Clemantine!" with different lyrics and some drum machine??

    Cher Lloyd easily makes my top six people I would like to Tazer until they uncontrollably soil themselves:

    Tim Westwood (You are not a "gangsta". You are not "coloured". You are a Cock, and not a good one.)

    Jedward (Somebody shoot them before they find someone equally retarded to breed with. The teenage gene pool is in enough of a state already)

    Katie Price (No reason listing needed)

    Ex-Wife (Oh yes)

    JLS (You are no more "Men" or "blokes" than Action Man was, you over-pruned orange prancing Goons)

    Cher Lloyd (Nice one, your sh!tbag "song" gets to number one and we have riots up and down the country)


  2. Re: London riots 
    Platinum Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoYou
    Well the riots are moving toward where i lived 7 months ago Bromley/Orpington area there have already been some "minor" incidents there but the major stuff is moving that way! Just hope my mates don't get caught up in any of the violence!
    Personally i think they should just give the police a big pile of guns and tear gas and let them go nuts! I'm sure these chavy little ****s would slouch off back to their council houses soon enough if they had guns shoved in their faces! This has nothing to do with anybody being shot, race or religion or anything else its about people thinking they can do whatever the hell they want and get away with it, and at the moment they're being proved right!
    This country has become so bloody soft it can't even defend itself against... well itself! If the police use force to try and stop the rioters they get done for assault and accused of racism and police brutality and if they don't use force to try and stop it then they get harassed for not doing their jobs. Their hands are so tied up by red tape that they are completely unable to do anything but throw harsh language at people and even that is a contentious matter!
    We need to rip up the rule book, throw away the labour party, make health and safety a criminal offense, remove "Politically correct" from the dictionary and start over!
    Too right mate.

    We have become overrun by a bunch of feral TEENAGERS who we have no control over anymore??

    Running around post-apocalyse raiding, burning & looting without fear of consequence or retribution...

    Cameron needs to re-introduce corporal punishment, National Service & powers to the Police? I am sickened by the state our country has become, little more than some run-down ghetto?? > : >

    Wheres my bike keys?

  3. Re: London riots 
    I laughed at Cooper Brown's column in I today (I know he's not real)

    He suggested we close all fast food outlets so they have nothing to eat, then tell them that Nandos on the Isle of wight is open. When they all converge on it, drop it to the bottom of the sea.

    That's the best suggestion i've heard yet.

  4. Re: London riots 
    Platinum Member Col's Avatar
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    outside 'Nam
    Oh! Oh! Don't know if you caught this info in all the excitement but-

    The Plod was hit by a bullet from a Plod gun NOT from the weapon held by the bloke which was not fired apparently.

    This is the worst possible info about the initial incident.

    Plenty of work now to investigate but what can be said if over exhuberant plod is responsible or at the very least 'lit the touchpaper' so to speak. No one really knows the full details yet of the actual circumstances and orders given in response to what actions.

    Not good at all

    On the subject of feral yuffs and the disadvantaged I have thought for a long time now that any government isn't going to do much about them as 'they' create huge amounts of employment and paper shuffling as in courts, social workers, plod work,more edukatting,yuff workers,etc. As for National Service don't even think it cos the last thing we want is these wasters trained up or even the taxpayer having 'em on the state payroll.

    It also defies all logic that society/the state actually encourages them to breed and literally is paying for the next wave, but bigger, of dysfunctional humans :

    Have a nice day

    I need amusement in my sad life and it looks, very much, like you fit this requirement admirably..............begin the amusement!!!!!

  5. Re: London riots 
    Active Member
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Col
    Oh! Oh! Don't know if you caught this info in all the excitement but-

    The Plod was hit by a bullet from a Plod gun NOT from the weapon held by the bloke which was not fired apparently.

    This is the worst possible info about the initial incident.

    Plenty of work now to investigate but what can be said if over exhuberant plod is responsible or at the very least 'lit the touchpaper' so to speak. No one really knows the full details yet of the actual circumstances and orders given in response to what actions.

    Not good at all

    On the subject of feral yuffs and the disadvantaged I have thought for a long time now that any government isn't going to do much about them as 'they' create huge amounts of employment and paper shuffling as in courts, social workers, plod work,more edukatting,yuff workers,etc. As for National Service don't even think it cos the last thing we want is these wasters trained up or even the taxpayer having 'em on the state payroll.

    It also defies all logic that society/the state actually encourages them to breed and literally is paying for the next wave, but bigger, of dysfunctional humans :

    Have a nice day
    Surely if the dead bloke had a gun, it is a case of live by the sword, die by the sword. The police rightly should not have to take chances, and those of us 'normals' who don't travel everywhere with a gun will be okay.

    Nice to see an e-petition pushing for anyone found to be involved to lose their benefits - they sure as hell never deserve another penny from taxpayers after what they have done; it's at 78,000 signatures already. I would love these toe-rags to never get anything from those of us contribute again, and maybe realise how good this place is to them compared to most of the rest of the world.

  6. Re: London riots 
    Senior Member
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    it made me chuckle that now DC has authorised rubber bullets and the police can even use a water canon.....but 24 hours notice is required to get it...uh hello nearly a week not enough notice???
    by the way,what the hell is a swagger jagger anyways?

  7. Re: London riots 
    Active Member
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    Watching Diane Abbots on Newsnight; she is completely barmy, seems to want to find a get-out clause for the rioters in her constuency. Apologists like her, need to wake-up and stop trying to blame the rest of society.

  8. Re: London riots 
    Quote Originally Posted by pilninggas
    Watching Diane Abbots on Newsnight; she is completely barmy, seems to want to find a get-out clause for the rioters in her constuency. Apologists like her, need to wake-up and stop trying to blame the rest of society.
    Diane Abbots is an out and out racist! There, I said it! >

  9. Re: London riots 
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Everything else is shyte

  10. Re: London riots 
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