Disgusting behaviour, violence, mindless looting and arson by those who, because of so many loopholes, laws and 'human rights' seem to think they have a right to do it????. What happened to respect for where you live and who you live around. I am appaulled by all of this.

Send in the armed forces to back up the police and fire fighters, use water canons etc to stop it all. I'm sick of some people thinking it's perfectly acceptable to behave in this matter. What is this country coming to when we just let them get away with it? > Nice to see Mr Cameron enjoyed a few more days holiday before flying back to 'sort' this crap out! PAH

Those 'in charge' who have passed all these laws protecting the 'human rights' of people are far too soft and frightened of repercussions by those in society who run riot and cause mayhem because they know they will get away with it ...it's a crazy way to live.

rant over, sorry.
