Quote Originally Posted by Squashed_Fly
[quote author=Jon_W link=1312843386/5#5 date=1312871843][quote author=470four link=1312843386/4#4 date=1312870843]Seconded... we have become an Anarchy state - in Europe etc they would be out there with gas & batons knocking heads together, we are apparently too scared of more retribution to do anything about our major cities running riot??!

Our children are in a lot of cases undisciplined, overeducated & too lazy to work - why should they when we have the dole??

"Hey, dont smash that window or we will send you to a remand centre for 3 months where you can smoke weed and play x-box all day!"

"Mr Jones grabbed my arm too hard because I threw something at his head, look - a slight red mark! How dare he!"

Save me... take me back a decade or two when we all had discipline & something to fear, I was terrified of my parents & the Police! Now we are turning into some sort of laughing-stock emergency bank for countrys nothing to do with us??

Totally agree.[/quote]



The same old pathetic excuses are trotted out too, no jobs for young men - bollox loads of jobs, plenty of grafters from eastern europe have no problem finding reasonably well paid work in the Smoke.

Bunch of chancers, scroungers and looters rioting again in Bristol last night - get the rubber rounds on them, and the paint guns.

As Wilts-Builder said heard the R2 interview with the Turks, fair play to them. I reckon lots of businesses with also be hiring heavies to send these scroates away.