Quote Originally Posted by Jon_W
Alas Ken I cannot agree. The people being punished are the current staff who are all now out of a job. The perpetrators of the crimes committed are still in employment and being backed by the management.
Sorry Jon, I failed to mention that the honest NOTW foot soldiers are the victims of the closure while the former Editor, Rebekah Brooks is still picking up her fat salary. ‘The little man’ always gets it in the neck. >

Keep it a secret but, my curiosity got the better of me today and when my boss was not about I took a sneak preview of the NOTW’s sister paper, The Sun. In the true spirit of the tabloid and I suspect as a ploy to put some distance between the rag and its sibling, a bit of benefit cheat bashing was the editorial lead. Surprise, surprise, no mention of the NOTW fiasco. I don’t think Murdoch will pull the wool over his readers’ eyes with this one – “If you fly with the crows, you get shot with the crows.”