Quote Originally Posted by 470four

Unfortunatly as a male I am condemned to having to work 5 days a week for the rest of my life & not have my life paid for.

You want to see poverty? Go to Africa etc, where they have no food, water etc. Now THAT is a sh!t situation!

Nice touch , because as a female am I just going to give up at some point in my life and let some bloke look after me ?!?!!? Er nope even if I hadn't been a man hating lesbian ;D ;D ;D that still wouldn't happen I've worked hard all my life, served my country for the last 19 years will continue to do so for antother 3 until mandatory retirement and as we speak I am looking at a future career / careers that will keep me in the lifestyle in which I am accustomed.... Most women actually work hard all their working lives too .....

Part 2 , agreed on the Africa part, my partner is a Zimbo and since Mugabe got in , things have got worse, they took the farms back from many of the whites and production has dropped massively, all across the African continent as well as other 3rd world countries there is real poverty..

I remember driving through Skopje in Macedonia in February 1999 prior to us moving into Kosovo. There were regularly kids younger than school age out begging bare foot, wearing nothing more than rags in sub zero temperatures , in weather you wouldn't put a dog out in over here!

I recall passing their home later in the year, near where the Log Support Battalion were based (for any of you there at the time ) and they lived in a ramshakle compound with lots of other kids along with their parents in what looked like the wrinkly tin huts that you see in the ghettos in movies about South Africa, it shocked me to see that europeans could be living in such squalor.

There are far too many 'what can my country do for me' types out there who will never lift a finger more than to sign on for the rest of their lives... Even worse that we let 1000s more in who have the same attitude from abroad. It should be a case of if you haven't worked in 18 months (lets be fair as there are some jobs out there) community service for your benefits unless you are genuinely unable to work for health reasons.

I come from one of the areas of highest unemployment in the country, near Middlesbrough. My uncle was made redundant when they closed the steel works, the burning heart of Teesside, did my uncle sit on his @rse at 52 thinking he was on the scrap heap ? Nope he got out there, did his licensee course and now runs his old local.

Granted , there are more people than jobs out there right now, however 'Poverty should be described as whether you are looking SERIOUSLY at putting food on the table or the heating on , not 'Do I buy the latest iPhone, big TV, go to Costa-del-Chav with my kids at £200 per head for a fortnight'

For real poverty in this country maybe we should be looking at our aging generations who have to live on tiny state hand outs having worked hard all their lives , many of those having put their lives on the line for this country back in 1939 to 1945.... TBH they would be better off in prison, at least they would get 3 meals a day, a warm bed, heating , regular contact with others and a bit of exercise every day and a television in their room!

Rant over!