This also depends on what you consider "poverty", this was on the radio earlier and I was getting serioiusly pi55ed off with parents who were claiming to be in "poverty" because they couldn't afford to buy their child a computer or go on holidays!
Don't know about anybody else but that doesn't sound like poverty, it sounds like badly planned shagging! If you can't afford to give a child the quality of life you think is suitable then don't have kids until your situation has changed... seems like simple logic to me.
Yes we,re in hard economic times and sacrifices have to be made, if that means you don't have a computer then maybe... I don't know... have your kids play outside?! I didn't have a PC til I was about 14 and I'm part of the "internet generation" yet not once didn't I feel I was in poverty or in any way at a disadvantage compared with other people.

Everybody has become so used to a particular standard of life that their concept of what "poverty" is seems to be vasty distorted.
As WB says obv everybody is in a different situation and you can't mark everyone the same but.. I think this report is very misleading.