Quote Originally Posted by python
Remember a person called Neil Kinnock ken?
Socialist, leader of the Labour party, indeed very nearly a labour prime minister. man of the people, working class hero??
look at him now.... SNOUT FIRMLY IN THE TROUGH.... joined the Euro freebie money fest at the earliest possible opportunity, lined his pockets with taxpayers hard earned cash, indeed, got his family involved... nice bit of nepotism, wife and kid's snouts in the trough as well, nice work if you can get it.
Blair's now happily feathering his nest, on the lucrative "diplomatic " earner.
politicians, which ever social leaning , are , in my opinion, only in it for one thing... the enhancement of themselves, it's not just Torys, Lib Dems, or Labour, if the opportunity of big bucks drop in their lap....nom nom nom.
Chris, could not agree more. In my earlier post I was making the point that politicians across Europe are just not listening to the voice of the people. Blair was never a socialist and I have about as much respect for Kinnock as I do for Thatcher. Putting political leanings to one side, I have no doubt in my mind that the time will come, sooner rather than later, when ordinary people will say enough is enough. Millions of people around the globe are finally waking up to the fact that politicians are merely puppets of Big Business. The Dam of wealth has been fortified and the “Trickle-down effect” is drying up.