Quote Originally Posted by Ducatista
I pray you are never in the position of having a vehicle pull out in front of you as you may come to regret those words.
I am not sure exactly which words you are referring to but the fact that "most accidents are avoidable by any party" is a quote from the police.
You might have noticed they have stopped calling them accidents and started calling them collisions as they don't want to imply they are without cause.

I will regret not avoiding an accident if there was anything I could have done and that's why I spend a lot of time practicing and studying a well tried and tested systematic approach to motorcycle control. This doesn't mean I think I'm the bees knees in fact the more I learn the more I recognise my own short comings.

I am sorry your friend was injured in a collision that possibly was totally unavoidable.

However I believe you are doing a grave (and potentially life-threatening) dis service to others on here if you are suggesting that no-one put should any effort into trying to avoid an accident that is potentially avoidable by suggesting that they are all inevitable.

You surely MUST have seen people driving FAR too close together on the motorway so that they cannot possibly stop in the distance they can see to be clear.
I would never be so bold as to say most accidents are avoidable. I agree that the upmost efforts must be taken to see and be seen, but it is very easy for the police and other orgoniseations to look back after the event and suggest that the accident was avoidable.