Don't get me on that one. If we ever ventured over to Wales(used to live in Yate) to go to classic car shows in our 1951 Austin Devon pickup truck the kiosk staff steadfastly refused to let us through as a car, despite it obviously not being a commercial vehicle for at least 40 years of it's life ! If you have a longwheel base VW van as is de rigour at the mo you should be OK as they have windows, the windows (or lack of) were what defined a commerical vehicle. Imagine that would still hold true

In their defence (nothing to do with me working on the new Severn Bridge project for it's entire build..!!) they do have to pay for the upkeep of 2 bridges. Old Severn Bridge (before it passed to private hands) was always charged at less than it cost to run, don't remember any of us moaning about that. And none of us have to use it. As for the rate, well they know how much fuel costs now and I would imagine base what they can get away with on the cost of driving around the long way (plus a bit for the time for the lorries as drivers ain't cheap either) The bridge hasn't been snatched by the British crown to hold the Welsh to ransom, it is a private enterprise that was built to make a profit, and as we all know just making a profit isn't good enough for big buisness these days, they aren't happy unless making a big profit

I once drove at some speed over the new severn bridge on the wrong side of the road. It was all marked up and ready to go but not open, and being on my notice I didn't think it would matter if I got caught and sacked. Shame there were no GoPro cameras then