What’s happening to our beloved forum ?

Here we are, all keen, mean, bad biker dudes and dudettes and what are the last three suggestion for meets, a Golfing Day, a Crazy Golf Day and a Spa Day :-/

This is just not good enough ! I mean, what will visitors to the site think, that they have accidentally clicked on the local Young Conservatives or the Veterans Division of the YMCA ???

I mean, Golf, I’m sorry chaps, but that’s for old married men who are just desperate to escape their wives for most of the weekend and can’t find a better excuse - and they wear funny shoes

Crazy Golf needs no explanation as to who plays that and Spa day ? last time the ex Mrs Simpson’s said she fancied a back & shoulder massage and a facial, it ended up with her not speaking to me for a week 8-)

What we need is suggestions for proper things a biker gang (sorry club) can do, Kitten Throwing may be a big radical for some and obviously as they are only light you can throw them a really long way so it’s really an outside event and it’s a bit cold for that.

How about who can spit farthest or wee highest up a wall (thinking about this, it would need to be a handicapped event as Snowy would win easily) or Granny frightening or police taunting (no, not the place near Bridgwater) etc.

Over to you -


Must go now as my broccoli and mushroom quiche is almost cooked and I need to pop my couscous out to drain.