Quote Originally Posted by pilninggas
[quote author=SupeRDel link=1344719708/8#8 date=1344764436]Ever noticed that when these kids go missing the families/estates always look the same - ROUGH

Just like most places (including this forum) - people cannot wait to have a go at the police and I bet the people on that estate hates the police.
But as soon as the kid dissappeared the police were the first ones they contacted for help

The TV news last night did a report "live" from the scene with the flowers in the background and behind the reporter a chap to walks behind with a stupid grin on his face.
there has also been criticism that the police should have perceived the 'family' [i used the term loosely and advisedly] as potential suspects right from the off. I reckon they did, but the Met don't get any breaks, everything they do is analysed to be wrong (so they tried to keep a lid on it a bit). You imagine had they torn that house to pieces on day one (which they probably wanted to do) and found nothing, the liberals and the local estate would have been up in arms [another chavvy summer riot?]. As it is if they had done that, the whole thing could have been dealt with quicker.

I live on a rough/tough estate in Bristol - i'm used to it. But i reckon 1 in 4 'families' are dysfunctional, amoral, have tendencies towards serious relationship deviance, hate-yet-rely-on-the-state and perceive crime/drugs as normal. Leaving the 3 in 4 rest of us to try to maintain normal neighbourhoods.[/quote]
Hit the nail on the head