We all make decisions & proiritise our own needs & wants.

Hospitals do the same. It's not about goverment subsidies or who pays what tax. It's about managing their budget to the needs of the patients. I think you need to come with me & see behind closed doors. You might change your point of view.

Internal politics & to many line managers within all NHS trusts have wasted money in miss management. If they had more Doctors, Nurses & paid them a decent salary instead of the middle management then perhaps the NHS would be in such a hard times. There are too many people with in the NHS more worried about covering their own arses if something goes wrong.

I'm sorry Ken. In my opinion your wrong on this, your socialist views need to see behind closed doors, then perhaps you'd understand the NHS & it's fight to provide care.

Ok true story told to me by a Surgeon. Teenager, been waiting for years for New Heart & Lung. Middle aged man in his 50's Smoker & not too over weight also needs Heart & Lung, 1 donor who gets it....? Both have weeks to live.
Now Prioritse....!

Also, Routine operation to fit a gastric band, Surgeon about to perform the operation is called away to examine a patient with acute pains in their chest.

Does the Surgeon go attend the patient with pains in their chest or carry on & perform the operation.

If your over weight then wait