Don't know if anyone else on here is much of a gamer, I've been massively into my Pc games since i can remember, recently however i've been a bit lost in the world of games. Nothing has really kept my attention for any serious length of time. I've been drifting between games and rarely feel a serious craving to get back playing whatever game.
2-3 years ago every other game i tried would keep me absolutely hooked for months at a time, even after hundreds of hours of gameplay!
A majority of games i've really got hooked on are "Dungeon Crawlers", games like Diablo, Titan Quest, Torchlight etc.etc. Basically Beat the crap out of a ton of zombies/demons/monsters gets loads of loot and be completely immersed in the story!
I waited for Diablo 3 for years! Only to find that they had ruined it by balancing the game around the "Auction House" and "Real Money Auction House", basically making it a "You're as good as you can afford to be" game, unless you put literally thousands of hours into it!
The newer "Torchlight" series has kept me amused, its fun to play has a good pace to it and puts a smile on my face, but its a bit cartoony and isn't serious enough for my liking.

In my desire to find a game that really is "Made for the player base" and designed around what the people who will be playing it want, i came across a company called "Crate" it is a company started and mainly staffed and run by ex-Iron Lore staff (The creators of Titan Quest).

Having followed it for a few months now, and spending more time on their forum than i would like to admit, I am absolutely shocked at their dedication to their player base. Not only are they continually updating the forum with the progress on the game, they are taking the opinion of the players seriously and taking their ideas into account. They are funded by their player base, through pre-orders and an old kickstarter project, so are completely indebted to the people they are making the game for!
Although a lot of companies do this, they will generally do it on a very basic level where they take the idea and distort and dilute it to where the idea ends up being a completely different reality.

If you're into such games i highly recommend you check out their website, and if you like it pre-order it and potentially restart the good days of gaming where games were fun... for more than 5 minutes!!!