Retired people should be encouraged to do community work such as caring for the "very old" or face losing some of their pension, a peer has suggested.
Lord Bichard, a former benefits chief, said "imaginative" ideas were needed to meet the cost of an ageing society. The peer is a member of a committee investigating demographic changes and their impact on public services.
And although such a move might be controversial, it would stop older people being a "burden on the state". (that's me) > > >

Despite the fact that I’ve worked all my life and contributed to the state coffers for 51years I’ll still be a burden on society if I live long enough to retire at 67.

I guess it was too much to expect that a “F**king Pleb” like me would be allowed to spend his twilight years enjoying riding his motorcycle around the countryside. :-?

I suppose I could ‘play the system,’ have a sidecar fitted and ferry a “very old” person for his/her weekly shop, thus fulfilling entitlement criteria to receive my own money back.

Alternatively, I could see out my retirement in Rome, where I would probably gain more respect. :P