Quote Originally Posted by dan_geoghegan
You can save the speech Gooz. Yesterday I ran 11k with a busted knee and raised over £160. I put a link up to my just giving site on the forum.
Do you know how many forum members donated?
And it's their choice.
Who do we have to thank for having the freedom of choice?
The soldiers that the legion are helping.
These posters go against everything that the legion stood for. Charity is now big business and many people are losing sight of what it's about.

Wear your poppy with pride not guilt.

Please dont take too much offence WB but
1, I do not use credit or debit cards and only deal with cash so am unable to donate to anything online...EVER.
2, I have already paid my money to the charity of MY choice towards todays annual event.
3, I am pleased you did your run, I am sorry you have a broken knee, Im glad you raised such a good amount
posting up the fact that no-one from the forum donated to your particular way of fund raising sounds like sour grapes to me.
Like you said, we all have a choice......you have no idea where, how or when every other member of the forum donated to the cause.

Soap box removed