What are they trying to do now? Eventually all the speed limits will be 20mph and it'll be quicker to get where you're going by pushbike.

I am sick and tired of the 'anti-speeders' lobbying the government to impose more and more restrictions on us as motorists. I'm sorry if I offend anyone here, but most of the 'accidents' where someone gets either killed or seriously injured are down to 'misjudgement'. There are a high proportion of 'accidents' cause by the inappropriate use of speed. But there are few accidents (about 7%) attributed directly to excessive speed. More crashes are attributed to out of control kids in the back (about 9%).

The girl that got killed on her pushbike in Taunton, tragic though it is, was killed by two drivers behaving like morons. But because of incidents like this, we'll all have to put up with reduced speed limits, cameras, etc. Would a lower speed limit have made any difference to the two pillocks that were racing that day? Of course not. Just like imposing 40mph speed limits on rural roads won't stop those that want to go faster. All it does is piss off those that have the ability to judge a safe speed. I don't like having the decision taken out of my hands as to what I think is a safe speed and what isn't.

Let's start the debate... :-?