Just thought it might be a bit of fun to look back at 2012.

Some notable memories from include 18th March and getting up at 5am to be at Hullavington airfield for 6am to help set up facilites for the ride of respect. A pure shock to find fog and ice was the order of the day at that time. A bloody freezing ride out there but the sun finally come out for a while. One of the first on the airbase and one of the last off the base. Which was nice because the nice squaddie turned his back whilst i flew down the runway on the Z1000 on my way out.

April. The humoungus bun run! What a great day.

That fantastic ride to Lyme Regis on 13th May. Beautiful blue skys all the way. 8-)

Getting really really really wet on the way to Wales on 16th June. The memory of riding down the M4 in that torrential rain will live with me forever. Jacdes face as she conquered the old severn crossing, priceless. Swanny drying his knackers in the service station in wales with the hand dryer. NOT so priceless ;D

Tophs ride to Swanage last month. Terrific.

On the down side....
Did it rain at all during the summer?
Seemed like there were millions of events, rides, meets and the like hit by the wettest summer on record. Cant be so bad next year can it?

Over to you guys