Top-20 Ways to tell a Global Warming doubter probably hasn't done any research?

1) Criticizes (or just mentions) Al Gore.

2) Claims that as many or more scientists doubt AGW as agree with it.

3) Asks a simple question like "If humans are causing global warming, what made the planet come out of the last ice age?" and pretends it's a compelling argument. In other words 'if I can't answer this question, obviously nobody can.'

4) Claims the current warming is part of a 'natural cycle' and doesn't know what causes natural cycles.

5) Claims the current warming is due to the Sun even though no scientific study has come to this conclusion.

6) "Global warming has stalled."

7) Makes a political remark (i.e. communist, liberal, etc.) left-wing socialist :P
8) Makes a conspiracy remark (i.e. it's just the UN trying to take over the world). Or my personal favourite, "follow the money".

9) Thinks scientists haven't considered the fact that climate has changed in the past, or that Mars is warming.

10) Thinks the greenhouse effect is unproven or that adding more CO2 to the atmosphere will not increase the greenhouse effect even though Venus is hotter than Mercury.

11) Thinks that one volcanic eruption emits more CO2 than humans have in 5,000 years.

12) "It's snowing in Vermont in the middle of winter. Where's global warming?!"

13) Can't answer a simple scientific question (i.e. how is the observed increase in greenhouse gases not causing warming?).

14) Cites JunkScience, Fox News, right-wing blog, Inhofe's site, etc.

15) Makes absurd claims with zero citations.

16) Blames global warming on water vapor, cow farts, beer/soda carbonation, etc.

17) Is named after a gelatinous substance, awarded himself an honorary doctorate, and rigged the voting system in order to gain some semblance of credibility despite being guilty of most of the items on this list.

18) "Models are just guesses" or "we can't predict the future".

19) "Soon they're going to tax us for breathing!"

20) Cites one outlying study and claims it disproves dozens of others which are in agreement.