Engage with you WTF!!!! Who the hell d'ya think you are sunshine !!!!

Well whatever political shade you are it remains that you are always making comment about the Monarchy and have shown yourself to be devoid of any ideas regarding an alternative...I believe admitting once 'I have no idea' ;D

What relevance is Royal Residence costs to the attempts to get Benefit costs reduced ?

Are the places to be demolished and all employees put out of work ? Clearly you don't think they should be paid for by central government funding. Now known as Sovereign Grant apparently which replaced Civil List and is a payment based on money generated from Crown Estates of which the government retains 85%.

Look this Con/Lib lot the world and its grandmother knew would be problematic and have 'knee jerk' policies/ideas regarding the dire financial state the country is in after the Labour social engineering debacle and tax to waste government.

You also completely fail to include the fact that the individuals can appeal their circumstances.

Furthermore the fool Cameron has recently managed to get some reduction in UK payments to EU unfortunately because that treasonous megalomaniac Blair signed some 'no rebate on new entrants' agreement we actually will be paying more which could help these benefit claimants if they were found to genuinely need reappraisal of circumstances.

Don't forget the EU is about to increase subsidy payments to tobacco growers ;D ;D ;D

You will find this an interesting read from time to time...bookmark it


:-* :-* :-* 8-)