Quote Originally Posted by Swanny
Obviously you don't live in a place that will suffer from flooding, ever?
Obviously I'm not stupid enough to buy a house built on a flood plain. If my house gets flooded the museum will be visited by fish ;D

Council are renown for spending money on wasteful stuff just to keep their budgets up.
As for CCTV don't get me started on that.
So any friends or family who find their homes flooded, their possessions ruined, and all the associated problems with insurance, accomodation and repairs shouldn't count on you for help or support, after all they are stupid enough to buy a house in an area that might get flooded? Although they can rely on you to tell them how mentally deficient they are compared to you I take it?

You won't get any argument from me that council's waste lots of money on some things, making sure there are top quality biscuits and drinks available for meetings for example, but we should be cutting those bills rather than cutting services that people rely on.

CCTV is a contentious issue, personally I don't mind the camera themselves, it's what they are used for in some cases that bothers me. I understand that not everyone shares my point of view and would rather they all got removed, I assume that from your comment that you are in this camp? So if you, a family member or a friend was the victim of an assault, burglary or a hit and run and there was CCTV evidence that identified the perpetrator and would seal a conviction, you would ask for that evidence to be removed and not used?