I was alerted to the fact that my next post would be my 3,000th.

Yup I know what what you're all thinking................its all the innane drivvle I come out with that racked them up hehehe

So, I thought Id mark this little milestone with a pleasant post.

I want to thank all the WBer's Ive met by being on the site.
Some of you are lovely, some of you are ace and some of you are ummm interesting
But ALL of you make this a fab community and you are fantastic group of people that I really enjoy sharing time, experiences and events with.

Since being a WBer I have gone from being a pillion, to taking my CBT, and eventually (finally) passing my test. You have helped me laugh along the way and kept me going after all my little drops and incidents hehe. I would never have done it without the support and encouragement of so many of you...and I have to say passing my test was one my proudest achievements. (Its right up there in my top 5)

Anyway, that was it and all that remains to be said is thank you for your input and making my biking journey so much fun, so interesting and for giving me some fantastic memories for when Im sat in my Old Folks home in a few years time :-)