We have recently migrated the forums to a newer software package and all users, posts and content have been moved over. User passwords have had to be reset and if your account on the old forums had a valid email address then you will have been emailed a new password to access the new software. If you haven't received this or are having problems logging on, please email admin@wiltshirebikers.co.uk and be patient

We weren't able to import Private Messages but will aim to give users access to their old PM box soon, and we also couldn't move over Avatar pictures.

Your usernames have been migrated as the name you originally signed up to WB with, NOT the name you chose as a display name. You can edit this in your profile by clicking "Settings" at the top right of the new forums. Be aware that in the meantime people's names may be different than you're expecting

Please also use that opportunity to browse through your profile to update with any information you want in there - you will also need to set a new avatar picture and you will need to edit your date of birth too.

If you find any bugs or things that don't seem quite right please email admin@wiltshirebikers.co.uk and we'll have a look.

Finally, now is a good time to update any bookmarks or shortcuts you have to the old forums - this one is accessible through www.wiltshirebikers.co.uk or www.wiltshirebikers.co.uk/forum.php. The old forums will remain online in read-only mode so don't get confused