Hi Rabb,

1. Yes there are TPO's in place

2. They are in Mum's garden

3. These have been reported previously and some branches were allowed to be removed but that was several years ago. Since then Mum approached the council but got the cold shoulder and was instructed to submit a formal report, however, we have not yet done this.

4. As to whether the trees are healthy looking I'm not sure, possibly a couple are and some aren't. Sorry to be a bit vague but I'm not a tree expert to put it mildly. What is of concern is the branch that fell off a few weeks ago appeared to be a very healthy branch and there didn't appear to be any reason why it should suddenly break off. Because this branch was so heavy I have put a bin at the end of the path and told mum not to go down the path in case anything else falls down.

One of the trees has several quite large dead branches stuck in the tree and one of the smaller trees has a considerable amount of ivy on the trunk but I don't know whether that is relevant or not.

I have posted a couple of photo's on photobucket at


If there are any other questions let me know, thanks for trying to help
