Some of you have expressed interest in attending this course. As I understand places are limited.

Contact name is Colin Reeves. His email is colinreeves@wiltshire.gov.uk

His contact numbers are 01793 466399 (I think this is his home number) or 07770 695792

Available dates (All Sundays)

23rd April - Near Devizes
14th May - Near Devizes
4th June - At Devizes
9th July - At Devizes
23rd July - Near Devizes
10th September - Near Devizes
24th September - At Devizes
8th October - At Devizes

You need to email him your first and second choice dates. With your name, Age, Full Address, Make and CC of motorcycle and details of any other courses you've attended (Not inc CBT)

You also need to send a cheque to Wiltshire County Council with the same information for the value of £10. This confirms your place on the course and the cheque will be given back to you at the end of the course.

Any questions??