The fun begins on 24th October.
Timings: TBC
Location: Skirmish (nr Longleat)
All day ass kickin....12 games.
Price: £35...... Gets you a full day's paintin!!, 12 games, 600 paintballs, gun, goggles, hat, gloves, mask, camouflage coveralls, battle pack and paintball pots with enough free gas to fill a hot air balloon....or Stace!

Who wants some? Who's up for a scrap? Who wants to rip 'stinkyworm' and his bitch DJ sidekick 'slowworm' to shredds?.....Opprtunities like this don't come along often, seize the day!!

Stick your names down below to join the Polebarn Painters - We're gonna execute every last muther******g one of em.....slowly!
