Kaz and I were talking recently about bikers and what a diverse bunch we seem to be , age, gender , background , jobs etc however there seemed to be one thing missing ... Race, why don't we see many black or asian bikers? I mean look around at our meets at the H&C, or the Polebarn... Even George Whites and Fowlers on a weekend, how many none white bikers do you see? And why do we think this is ?

While there have been guys and girls in our group like the Fijian guy who rides a 'Busa and maybe one other, for such a big group that consider ourselves friendly (more or less ) to anyone and everyone who rides 2 wheels regardless of who they are , where they come from etc etc it seems a bit odd that what is a large part of the British population isn't part of our own community....

Does anyone have any thoughts on this ?