"Street Hippo", nothing to do with my work at Lyenham,but credit rating means nothing If you're not working! period!!
I'm squeeky clean.No criminal record.Absolute clean driving Licence in over 35 years. A model Citizen 8-) but If you aint working you aint worth a dime! > I'm sent out to pasture,so to say until I find work. Anyway, living down here is nice.30 yards from the beach.Fantastic roads with little traffic especialy up on Dartmoor,

While we're on about RAF Lyneham,. The Hercules fleet leaves Lyneham for good this year with the base gradualy closing down by next year.I've been involved with Lyneham since the 70s' when the Britannia and Comets stood with pride alongside the Hercules. It's a sad day indeed that cutbacks have come to this!