I've just gone up the a338 and back and once more... its a good road! Anyway on my way up it the first time I get stuck behind a long line of cars all doing 40 mph! Yippeedoo! As I get the the front on the queue I'm at the roundabout at the end of the road -.-
I turn arround and head back the other way about 3 corners down the road ... a big queue of cars going about 40 mph... sigh! Right 3rd time lucky turn arround head back down it, low and behold there's a long queue of cars all doing 40 mph!
At which point I pull into a side road and wait until nothing has passed me for a few mins then carry on, which results in a good run finaly!
Now I'm aware the road isn't a racetrack and not everybody wants to go quickly but this is a 60 limit road with one car doing 40 holding up a good 20-30 other cars and this happened 3 times on the trot.
"You're on a bike, just zip past one car at a time" I hear you cry! Yes well I would if every car was so far up the other cars arse that you could barely fit a piece of paper between them much less a bike.
Therefore I've decided that old people and people who drive slowly need to be banned or shot on sight! ;D (Disclaimer: that was a joke and should not be taken as a literal statement or as my opinion of how this huge annoyance should be solved)