Quote Originally Posted by Ducatista
Im not asking for any moral high-ground here, just asking for 2 minutes of your time?
Sorry, but some of us won't do it if we don't believe it's morally justified.

I think there are far greater priorities right now, like the deficit, national defence, NHS, cuts to services for the vulnerable/elderly to name just a few.
If you can't afford it then don't have it.
If you can't afford to get to work then you have to rethink your options.
Dont do it then, nobody is forcing you to.

I can afford it, wont be selling it any time this century & apparently now I have to get pregnant, have four kids & live off of benefits as comutting is beyond me.

I can recall not so long ago filling up a bike tank for £5. I filled the Ducati tank this morning and I still had room with £20 in there?? Not good. We as a country are getting screwed for fuel prices & all Im doing is asking people to put there names on an online petition?? Simples!