Well another season of racing dawns, and with that comes all the armchair experts harping on about who is going to win, what's the best bike, who's got the best facial hair etc etc

Well, now is the time to put the proof in the proverbial racing pudding

Follow the link below to MCN's Fantasy Road Race 2011 page.


Simply register your details to join, choose a name for your team, pick your riders and then PM me for the code to join the WB FRR Championship

The site is open for registration now. Register your team before 0400 hrs on 26th Feb (first WSB superpole session) to start earning points straight away. There is no registration cut off date, you will just lose out on races that have been missed.

Unlimited team changes allowed until the 26th, so if you're lke me, just do a 'lucky dip' initially then do some tinkering before the season starts.

After the 26th Feb, you are limited to 3 changes per transfer window (see Scott's post below)...so still choose wisely! 8-)

Any questions or queries about this, post up on here and I'll try my best to help out.

Good luck all [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

P.S. When you PM me for the code to join our league, please state the name of your team. Mucho grassy ass.