
Thread: Re Conduct, Attitude & Abuse

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  1. Re: Re Conduct, Attitude & Abuse 
    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    nr Ringwood, Hants
    I've not been a member for long and only participated on-line but feel I must throw in my comment and fully support Dabz and other site administrators 100% on this.
    Having ran a couple of sports clubs (and a business) I know it can be a thankless task and that the world is full of people who know how to do it better but, somehow, just never manage to actually get off their backsides and do so! If you don't like the way a club or forum is ran, get out, simple as.
    Moaning and groaning is bad enough, particularly if consistent from same source but abuse is totally out of order. If I rec'd such abuse and had the details of the perpetrator they wouldn't only be kicked off the forum but a personal visit to 'address the situation' would be in order. >
    Okay I know that challenging abuse with the same is not helpful (just one of the many reasons why I'm not suitable for forum duties) but guess what I'm trying to say is, kick 'em out, you don't need the hassle!

    ps If you do need a lift to an 'addressing the situation' appointment, then give me a shout :

  2. Re: Re Conduct, Attitude & Abuse 
    Active Member billinom8's Avatar
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    running a site can suck sometimes, having run swb for a couple of years now you tend to be contacted by all sorts of characters. bikers can be colourful folk ;D

    no one should be in a situation where they are getting abuse from a member. we have had trolls come on the site and abuse whoever they can but i the end are just keyboard warriors.
    name and shame is the best treatmet for these types. they lack the stones to abuse face to face so use text/pm/forums to feel better about themselves.

    post up their number so that the rest of the site can let them know how they feel about abusing admin. see how they like the shoe being on the other foot......


  3. Re: Re Conduct, Attitude & Abuse 
    Active Member
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    Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
    Quite agree, no one should receive ny sort of abuse or bullying...

    Our lives are hard as it is...

    Also I agree strange accents! Throws me sometimes but i am sure my Geordie accent throws them too lol.... ;D

  4. Re: Re Conduct, Attitude & Abuse 
    Active Member
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Nellybambam
    [quote author=wasted_ace link=1323083078/1#1 date=1323089244]Have not been on many if any rideouts with the WBs for a long time but the few good folks i have come across over the years from the forum have been friendly types and despite most being country folk from the wilds of Wiltshire i have been pleasantly suprised that you are not all cross eyed,dribbly types despite your strange accents ;D

    Ha! Says the bloke from Bristol! ;D ;D ;D[/quote]

    ;D ;D

  5. Re: Re Conduct, Attitude & Abuse 
    Platinum Member
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    Mar 2006
    Mods I'm glad I missed all this and do not want to know what happened.
    I fully appreciate you and all the time you put into this site.

    I know I am not an active member when it comes to meats and ride outs but feel this is a great resource for meeting people and gaining good information. I have met some really good people from this forum.

    From my point of view keep up the good work, think of what you have enabled people get involved in over the years, trips abroad, weekends away, ride outs, track days, off roading, bike meats, WB stand at events where everyone can congregate and the list goes on.

    The good things out way the bad.

  6. Re: Re Conduct, Attitude & Abuse 
    Active Member
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    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by FJ_Biker
    Mods I'm glad I missed all this and do not want to know what happened.
    I fully appreciate you and all the time you put into this site.

    I know I am not an active member when it comes to meats and ride outs but feel this is a great resource for meeting people and gaining good information. I have met some really good people from this forum.

    From my point of view keep up the good work, think of what you have enabled people get involved in over the years, trips abroad, weekends away, ride outs, track days, off roading, bike meats, WB stand at events where everyone can congregate and the list goes on.

    The good things out way the bad.

    It can also be said that the good people out way the bad!

  7. Re: Re Conduct, Attitude & Abuse 
    Quote Originally Posted by FJ_Biker
    I know I am not an active member when it comes to meats
    You should try one of Stacy's smelly burgers then. ;D

  8. Re: Re Conduct, Attitude & Abuse 
    Chatterbox Jon_W's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roxychick
    'If I receive any more abusive text messages'

    Dabz - who has sent you abusive text messages? if they are that bad then surely that person should be named and shamed and the first to be banned for sending abusive text messages to you personally?

    I don't want to enter a mass debate on this subject and I am not 'stirring the pot' or 'inciting an arguement' I'm way past all that now. You all know I am pretty outspoken and I was told to wind my neck in earlier this year along with a few others after a disagreement and I have done but that doesn't mean I have to agree with everyone, I usually just choose to ignore it/them and not to post but sometimes things are said and you can't ignore it, that's what makes a speech (obviously without being racist, abusive, offensive or threatening!!!)

    Abusive text messages are not acceptable in any form and no one should have to deal with them but there is only one way to stop it and ensure it doesn't happen again.

    Roxy x
    Agreed. Well put Roxy.
    "there's no aspect, no facet, no moment in life that can't be improved with pizza"


  9. Re: Re Conduct, Attitude & Abuse 
    Active Member
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    I think it is a shame that there are always a few bad one's that spoil it for the rest, I don't get the chance to go to meets and rideout anywhere near as much as I would like and I don't get time to read the forum very often but when I do it's great on the whole from what I've seen really very nice people, if I could help more I would be happy to dabz you get my full support

  10. Re: Re Conduct, Attitude & Abuse 
    Active Member
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    Oct 2011
    I'm only a newbie to this site but I have been on various voluntary committee's in the past, and sometimes it can be a thankless task.
    You'll always going to get the moaners and whingers but they are usually in the minority.
    The membership should always be eternally grateful to those committee members who put their time and effort to make the Forum what it is today. Without them the forum would not exist.
    So before anyone has a good moan, just think, could you do the job better, if not , then shut up! :-X

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