
Thread: Crashes/offs

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  1. Re: Crashes/offs 
    Active Member
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    glad somebody put this post up,was thinking of giving up,but its just made me realise i can ride a bike and its not just me that has accidents,was just unlucky or stupid,lol,but has made me more determined,dont think hubby will agree with me

  2. Re: Crashes/offs 
    Active Member abxv535's Avatar
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    my recent one was last year, when I was trying to bumpstart my xv535 because my battery was flat , after a few goes of pushing it up and down the road ... I was so knackered I dropped the bike lost my balance and rolled over it! only bruised my ego... very embarrassing! only found out after that because the battery being flat the fuel pump doesn't work and no fuel gets to the carbs !! :-[

    before that I think i was still riding a moped 50cc I was 17ish on my way home after a night out I fallen a sleep for a few seconds and crashed, waked up on side of the road on a muddy water drain covered in mud an a few bruisers ... again embarrassing... :-[

  3. Re: Crashes/offs 
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    Nov 2011
    January ice on a geared moped with £20 tyres, slowing down to turn right at the end of the road, car came across onto my side as they turned onto the road, almost hit me, I dropped my bike and they drove off, I'm now 17 and on a cagiva canyon 500, not planning on going back on the ice.

  4. Re: Crashes/offs 
    Diamond Member R1chie's Avatar
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    I've had 2 off's. One on the track, one on the road.

    The track was Donny. Flying down Craners then having to sit the bike up to avoid a fat nugget who'd panicked after being buzzed by a gixxer who'd just passes him. Anyway, went onto grass in-field, thought for a moment that I managed to save it...then hit divvit, wiped outand continued down towards the old hairpin spinning in a star shape fashion on my front. No injuries bar a slightly jarred middle finger end joint. Not bad considering the speed.

    Second off. Somewhere near Oare coming from Marlborough. Going round a right hand bend at 30mph...hit gravel....come off and slide down the road. At this point I think I would have been fine. I say I think because I can't remember any of this (last thing I remember is leaving Marlborough), but also because unfortunately as I was sliding down the road I slid into a bus coming the other way.

    Fractured and dislocated left wrist and shoulder, fractured collarbone, fractured sternum, broken ribs and 2 collapsed lungs. Heli flight to the great western, 5 days intensive care plus 2 further weeks in hospital.

    What made things even better is that I was only TPFT, so no payout for me. Being northern, that hurt more than my injuries ;D

    Watch out for that gravel folks. Its evil.
    Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.

  5. Re: Crashes/offs 
    Senior Member Loops's Avatar
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    Only one off for me. Filtering along some traffic, saw a car pulling through a gap up ahead so slowed down as he probably hadn't seen me. Then as he stopped, I thought 'oh good, I've been spotted'.
    Obviously not, as just as I rode past his bonnet he pulled out. Crushed my left leg against the bike and sent me flying onto the other side of the road. Luckily nothing coming the other way and the only damage was a broken break lever, bent peg and a hold in my BRAND NEW trousers :

    Driver looked pretty shocked when I lept up from in front of his bonnet and got the bike back up so I could get going, as I was going to be late for work. Spent the rest of the day limping around with my boot on to support my leg until work ordered me to go to A&E - so I rode there. That hurt ;D

    Much more careful when I see people pulling out now, even when they've stopped!
    100 Japanese horses now unmuzzled! Derestricted hooliganism has commenced...

  6. Re: Crashes/offs 
    Administrator BB's Avatar
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    Lovely sunny evening one July, coming back from Swindon, got nearly to Trowbridge and two deer ran out in front of me - or so i'm told. Like R1chie I can only remember leaving Swindon, can't recall the heli ride to the Great western. Woke up and thought hmm, looks & smells like hospital, wonder what hurts... Apparently I hit one deer and slid some distance down the road. Broken collarbone, broken ribs front & back, pinned left hand for 12 weeks, broken right base of thumb, fractured skull, permanent hearing damage & partial loss of sight in one eye. oh yea, and masses of multicoloured bruises! ;D ;D

    But hey, I'm still here to complain! 8-)
    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

  7. Re: Crashes/offs 
    Platinum Member
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    Hit a mini on my commute into work on an old Honda CB550/5 broken finger and some toes. Got back on the bike after but was late for work.

    Lost one of My Yamaha FJ1200 under braking running late for work, dislocated shoulder and quite a bit skin removed as I only had works trousers on. Bit of a lucky one as I slid down the road all the traffic diverted onto the grass bank to miss me. The bike was badly damaged. Never made it in to work that day.

    Luckily no accidents now for over 15 years

  8. Re: Crashes/offs 
    Platinum Member
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    Hiding in your blindspot
    Got punted off @ Jnc17 M4 eastbound slip by a highways van back in October, they have just admitted liability. Broken collarbone/2 ribs and scaphoid, and the bike is a Cat B. Not impressed with how slow the insurance is going, feel like i'd be ok to ride now, but i am still without a bike

  9. Re: Crashes/offs 
    Active Member
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    Thankfully, I've only been off once. Hit a diesel spill on the Greenbridge roundabout in Swindon. It was like a slow motion off. Car behind nearly squashed me but stopped in time. Bike messed up a bit, had a few grazes myself but nothing serious. Nobody stopped to help me though. Just sat dazed in the middle of the roundabout with cars swerving to avoid the junk. When recovered, managed to push it home and took a few days off work.

  10. Re: Crashes/offs 
    Senior Member alanTDM's Avatar
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    I have now been riding bikes since 1966 but have had two accidents one major 1981and one not so bad 1997,both involved women drivers at road junctions.
    First was in Bristol along the Portway to Avonmouth, at Sea mills traffic lights was in outside lane with Ford transit in middle lane lights went green and we pulled away,he slammed the brakes on cause a car came through red lights,i did not see her she hit me cracked my ankle pushed my knee into the petrol tank and i pivoted and ended on her car bonnet got carried across 4 lanes of road and dumped on the grass,she drove over the back end of the bike,when i got to hospital i had a smashed hip took all bits of bone out and screwed my hip ball into the socket as there wasnt any there to hold it in.
    Second was at cross roads at Stonar late one evening women drove straight across junction i was on a off road bike i caught her front bumper and ripped it off the Peugot and managed to stay on for about 10 yards.first thing she said to me was " Your lights are dim" Stupid bitch was looking out for car headlights,cause hers cancelled mine out she did not see them she went straight across.My responce was " So you dont even look out for push bikes at dark then do you ". I've dropped a bike a couple of times in a garage and have come off Off Roading though aswell, but dosnt every one.
    The injury to my ankle back in 1981 came back to haunt 6 weeks ago, ankle seized up for some reason and wasnt able to ride the bike for 5 weeks could not change gear :'( only just started riding again just before Xmas.

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