I' ve ridden bikes for 36 years, mostly small capacity, until a year ago when I pased DAS.
A bike to me was always a tool, never an ornament, it was my mode of transport, to be used in all weathers/conditions, I would change the oil, adjust the chain... simple maintainance, but CLEAN IT??? ..no way.
As most of you know, I 've just bought a beautiful YZF600, It's never seen rain, kept in a heated carpeted garage ..etc.
With the horrible ,icy, soggy , salt encrusted roads that are the norm in Winter time, I have actually WALKED ! to work a few times this week, and have borrowed the company pick-up, so I don't have to get the bike dirty.

This is totally alien to me :-? :-?... I've never had protective thoughts towards a bike before. ;D ;D