Quote Originally Posted by Mitch9128
We have an office in France, when i've been there, they have long lunch breaks in a bar, then come back to their desks, neck loads of vino and cheese, and then drive home.

As i've seen this at other offices/companies in France, i imagine it's very common, although i'm not sure how carrying a breathalyser will help.

Having spent a lot of time in France I tend to agree that its common, certainly outside of Paris, to consume a far amount during a long lunch. The only thing I can see as for a reason is that it does put a bit of the onus of responsibility back onto the driver. If they're unsure they should drive or not there's a test they can take. So there's no real excuse if they're caught and haven't used the breathalyser. Having said that though, if they're caught they are going to get prosecuted regardless as I would suspect the police would still have to use their own certified monitors as evidence anyway.