Hello one and all. I ask kindly for any assistance.

Last year in May 2011 I had a bike accident which I am currently in the process of trying to prove the council did a bad job in maintaining the road. If they had maintained the road as they should have then I wouldn't have crashed (or very likely not to have)

The area in question is on the Roundabout by The Lamb pub in Trowbridge. Just off county way/Mortimer street.

There was a large dip in the road which was in the middle of the three lanes. I was taking the bend with some lean and 'slid' down into the dip causing me to nearly drop the bike to the right. I managed to regain control and get it upright. But due to the panic I did a bad job and ended up being upright about a foot from the kerb. I obviously hit it and fell off causing major front end damage and damage to my leg.

I am wondering if anyone is familiar with the defect in the road and if so would they be willing to put it in writing. I would reward any kind offers of help with beer or similar should the claim ever get through court and I win the case.

The area has now been resurfaced outside the lamb and the council over the last year have got much better at maintaining roads actually!!

If you know any bikers in Trowbridge please pass on. I am finding it difficult to prove that the dip would cause a loss of control. I have proved the dip existed with other friends but It would be good coming from more bikers.

Many thanks for all who took the time to read.
